Hello dear animal lovers and friends, In 2012 I wrote an article about Toni Eakes and her rescue and she threatened to sue me and I had to take it down. I left this short post up to let people know why I took the previous post down. For whatever reason, maybe because the universe wants […]
Category: News

I met Marissa at the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter on a Sunday morning, while she was holding a big heavy camera and waiting for the shelter staff and volunteers to guide her. At the time, I was volunteering at another animal shelter and had come with a dog trainer to show new adopters basic […]

Perks of having a pet. If you’re a pet owner, chances are your Fluffy or Fido is one of your best friends in the world. Pets can definitely make your life a little bit sweeter, but what you may not realize is that they can also make your life a little bit healthier. If your […]

Hey PackPeople, We need your support: my friend Marissa is volunteering for a great organization in Los Angeles called L.A. Love & Leashes and she has asked me to help get them some exposure. Please read what they do and how you can help support their awesome work. This Thursday night, June 28th, there is […]

I’m shocked how people use prong collars (pinch collar) and choke chains. Every day I stumble upon dog owners handling their dogs with prong collars. I talk to them and try to educate them and while some do listen, some just ignore my suggestions. Some owners are seeking for solutions without consulting professional help from […]

For so many Pit Bulls and Pit Bull mixes, it takes a long time, to find the right home. Many never do. Some rescuers feel, that it is “warehousing” to keep the dogs in a boarding facility for a long period of time. I guess, depending on the facility and the care they get, that […]

A month ago I had to take our French Bulldog Lilly to the vet, she had a serious inflammation. She recovered well and is healthy again. While at the vet in the waiting area, I heard a woman asking for Frontline’s Flea and Tick treatment who was also complaining about the treatment being overpriced. She […]

Are you a pet blogger, vlogger, pet community contributor or pet-friendy social media addict? Coming up in October 2012 is the 3rd annual BarkWorld Expo, the national social Petworking conference, and Eukanuba Paws in Motion to BarkWorld is promoting a contest to win a FREE trip to this year’s BarkWorld Expo conference in Atlanta. It’s easy to […]

The year is almost over and Rufino and I have had unbelievably interesting, funny, informative, serious and educational interviews since May 2011, a series we started to address the lack of information available to the public, as well as to honor the work of the rescue groups and non-profits dedicating their time and passion to […]

We all love craigslist, right? When David and I first moved to the U.S., I always heard: “check craigslist” or “list it on craigslist.” It was very interesting that such a simply-designed platform is the most popular online classifieds marketplace. Easy to handle, you can get your product up and running to sell on the platform, […]